My EduBirdie review and personal opinion


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The Essay I Bought From Edubirdie​


  • Type of paper: Essay
  • Subject: Marketing
  • Topic: Marketing Management of a Transnational Corporation: Apple
  • Length: 1 page
  • Citation: APA
  • Urgency: 3 days

Edubirdie Essay Analysis and Evaluation​

Grammar and Spelling: 6/10

Many sentences are too long and too complicated.
  • ” When this is successful, it creates”?
  • “When marketing policies get followed during marketing management, there is the minimization of distribution costs”
  • “there exist competition”
  • “seeks to ensure profitability a maximum satisfaction of their customer”
Style and Word Choice: 7/10
  • “the life base of any corporation”
  • “efficient market distribution and what have you”
  • “if there is a proper standardization pricing of the services” – pricing standardization, not standardization pricing
  • “hence, the corporation can direct and control and design”
Formating: 9/10
  • The essay had an introduction, several main body paragraphs and a conclusion
Plagiarism: 10/10
  • The work was delivered in PDF form, so we couldn’t check it for plagiarism.
Documentation and evidence: 10/10
  • 6 sources used
Following instructions: 7/10
  • The client asked the author to analyze Apple as a transnational corporation, but the author wrote a more general essay about transnational corporations.
Punctuality: 10/10
  • The essay was delivered before the deadline.
Ordering process: 10/10
  • The ordering process was fast and straightforward.
Communication with support: 9/10
  • The support replied quite fast and was helpful.
Communication with the writer: 10/10
  • The writer always replied promptly and was willing to take the client’s comments into consideration.
Payment: 10/10
  • The payment process was fast and secure.
Ideas and content: 6/10
  • There were some good ideas regarding the topic in the essay. However, the writer didn’t provide any specific information about Apple.
Organization: 7/10
  • The sentence flow could be better. In some cases, it was hard to connect sentences with each other.

What was good​

The essay had a nice structure, it was separated into several paragraphs which made it easier to follow. The author did a good amount of research and cited 6 different sources.

What was missing​

The flow of the text could be much better. Some sentences were too long and complicated, while others had some typos and basic grammar mistakes. Besides, the writer didn’t say anything regarding Apple, the corporation that the client decided to focus on.

Overall conclusion​

In general, it was an intelligent well-researched essay. However, it could be even better if the writer paid more attention to the instructions and writing itself. There were some grammar mistakes that could easily be avoided. The writer could have done a better job of making sure the sentences are connected to each other. Finally, the author was supposed to write an essay about Apple as a transnational corporation and delivered an essay about transnational corporations in general.